It begins with being stuck.

Then you bring someone into the weeds with you who can navigate, you cultivate the team you dream about.

Meet a real team…

My client willingly shared their information with you, so I hope you’ll honor that by letting me know who you are! I do send monthly emails to keep you up to date on my offerings, as well as share a few (short) thoughts - so I hope you’ll agree to join my list!

    Click the down arrow to see some anonymized case studies.

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    A stronger department through improved relationships.

    • A tenured manager at an organization began working for a manager new to the organization, and the relationship began with tension and stepping on toes.

      We coached for roughly six sessions to navigate the new supervisor-supervisee relationship. We focused on clearly articulating roles, finding support for each other, and creating confidence moving forward.

    • As a coach, I listened carefully and drew their attention to what was being articulated during the session, and helped them cultivate a healthy relationship while addressing their barriers in a non-judgmental way.

      As a result of engaging in this process, the supervisor-supervisee relationship significantly improved. They set aside stories from the past, understood each other’s perspectives more clearly, and began speaking authentically with each other. Their relationship is stronger than ever today, and the entire department benefited from this shift in their relationship.

    Uniting the team during COVID-19 shutdowns.

    • During the office shut-downs of the COVID-19 Pandemic, a nonprofit saw turnover in its leadership team and found itself with some hiccups from having a mix of long-standing, new-to-the-team, new-to-management, and various work styles.

      We started the engagement by digging into the team through the Team Diagnostic™, individual interviews, and a full-day team retreat. The team grieved and celebrated the changes brought on by the pandemic, and took stock of where they could let go of the adrenaline-driven responses of the prior years.

      They planted careful intentions about how to move ahead, and focus on more deeply resourcing the organization.

    • The team elected to continue with both team coaching, as well as supporting some individuals with leadership coaching.

    Building better communication through common ground.

    • A management team at a direct services agency was struggling with communication. They deemed their job functions were so different that they struggled to find common ground. In their own way, the managers were frustrated with their jobs, and also the inefficiencies that resulted from their poor intra-team communication. Their team lead asked me to bring their issues to the surface and reunite this team. During the engagement, we moved through skill-building and support to communicate and navigate dynamics, and tackled head-on the challenges. The team crafted distinct action steps and accountability.

    • While surfacing their shared frustrations was a huge step forward, a big accomplishment for this team was also turning up the attention to their deep appreciation for each others’ strengths. The team completed the engagement, willing to move ahead on a shared agenda, and created space for some to pursue new roles outside the organization.

    Previous & Current Clients

    • E2E Logo
    • Centro logo
    • CSA Logo
    • Liberation in a Generation Logo
    • WMCS Logo
    • Pathways Logo

    Let’s talk transformation, and nothing less.

    This is when you are ready to:

    • Assess. Do the work and look at the hard stuff.

    • Work. Commit the time as an entire system to show up, engage, and be ready for a meaningful shift.

    • Develop Awareness. Come to process eyes and ears wide open.

    Workshop at a conference - there is blue tape on the carpet which divides the space into 8 pie wedges, and groups of 2-3 people are standing in various wedges engaged in conversation.