Coaches & Leaders
How well do you know you?
Coaches and leaders who want to excel take the time to reflect, and learn from the journey. The path of superVision is about understanding the landscape & layers of your habits, emotions, interactions, and decisions.
As an accredited team coaching supervisor, PCC Assessor trained mentor, and brave coach, I bring powerful reflective tools for team coaches and team leaders alike.
Whether to develop your capacity as a leader, eyeball a career shift, or navigate work-life balance, I can support you with one-on-one coaching, coach mentoring, or supervision. I hold up the mirror for you to reflect on yourself and get focused on what you want to achieve.
One-on-one engagements begin with a discovery process of articulating your goals and working towards a definition of your values. This guides the process. Together, we work towards those goals.
Group supervision available upon request.
What clients say:
“Betsy is masterful, as a supervisor, as mentor, as a coach. She has a deep knowledge of the coaching craft, which she uses generously in service of me becoming a better coach myself. However, it is her humanity, her kindness, and her ability to form a deep connection with me that have me coming back again and again. Each of my sessions with her gave me deep insight and deeper conviction about my ability to serve clients and systems..”
— supervisee E.R.
“You are one of the most impactful coaches I have ever worked with. I still get insights from our sessions! Your coaching greatly influenced my coaching.”
— coachee C.R.
“It is with tough love that Betsy supports her supervisees to reach another level of professional and personal development. She sees, she says, she stays.”